Resource Library
ADA Diabetic Guidelines
Guide to Type 2 Diabetes.
External LinkAdding Physical Activity to Your Life
This is a resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help implement and stick with your physical activity plan.
External LinkAdministration for Children & Families
The Administration for Children & Families is a division of the U. S. Health & Human Services (HHS). It promotes the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals and communities with funding, strategic partnerships, guidance, training and technical assistance.
External LinkAdult BMI Calculator
This tool from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides body mass index and the corresponding weight status category.
External LinkAHA Sugar 101
Information on naturally occurring sugars and added sugars.
External LinkAHA Workplace Health Solutions
The American Heart Association offers a suite of science-based, evidence-informed tools and services to help you build and maximize an effective workplace culture of health. This website provides employers resources to take their workplace on a journey towards better health.
External LinkAlliance for a Healthier Generation
Official website for Alliance for a Healthier Generation.
External LinkAlliance for a Healthier Generation – Take Action: Employee Wellness
Alliance for a Healthier Generation resources on employee wellness in schools.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Food Planner
Ensure that snacks and meals served at school meet the Smart Snacks in School Nutrition Standards by using the Smart Food Planner.
External LinkAlliance for a Healthier Generation Virtual Trainings
Healthier Generation’s Action Center provides training to support schools and out-of-school time sites in creating healthier environments that empower kids to thrive. Topics include physical education, physical activity, employee wellness, nutrition, social-emotional health and learning, policy, and more.
External LinkAlternative Measures to Suspension
Alternative measures to suspension for student tobacco use in schools.
External LinkAmazon Healthy Vending Store
This resource from Amazon provides healthy vending options.
External LinkAmazon’s Healthier Generation Snack Store
Amazon page of healthy snacks.
America Walks
Connecting individuals, businesses and organizations to lead a walking revolution.
External LinkAmerican Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Policy Tool
Various policy strategies that support prevention of youth tobacco, decrease in secondhand smoke exposure, and access to cessation services. This tool is for pediatricians and child health care centers.
External LinkAmerican Cancer Society – Creating a Smoke-Free Workplace
This resource from the American Cancer Society provides guidance on creating a smoke-free workplace.
External LinkAmerican Diabetes Association Recognized Sites
Search Recognized Education Programs by zip code or filter by state.
External LinkAmerican Heart Association: Healthier Preparation Methods
Methods for healthier cooking and food preparation tips.
External LinkAmerican Hospital Association Team-Based Health Care Report
Guide to team-based care delivery.
Apply to be a Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace
This resource shares information on the requirements to become a breastfeeding-friendly workplace.
External Link