Better Health through Better Understanding

Better Health through Better Understanding

Chronic Disease Prevalence for Louisiana Minorities Louisiana is home to a melting pot of people, making up the rich culture of our state. Unfortunately, not all of our residents are afforded the same access to care.

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Helping Louisiana’s Children Grow

Helping Louisiana’s Children Grow

When established early, healthy behaviors can set a foundation for a healthier future. Chan’s Scholar Toddlers (CST) child care center in Amite, Louisiana provides full and part-time care services for a range of ages. Through Well-Ahead Louisiana’s Let’s Be Healthy grant, they built a vegetable garden to help teach children about making healthy decisions. As …

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How We’re Making an Impact on Healthcare Access

How We’re Making an Impact on Healthcare Access

Well-Ahead Louisiana, through the Primary Care Office, works to connect residents in rural and underserved areas across the state to critical healthcare services. Areas in Louisiana with too few primary care physicians, dentists and mental health professionals are considered Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSA). From October 2020 through September 2021, approximately 73% of Louisiana residents …

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