Move Health Forward in Louisiana Colleges and Universities
Be a Leader for Healthy Colleges and Universities

For many students, the most exciting part of college is the newfound freedom. Many young adults are suddenly able to make all of their own choices. Providing a healthy campus environment can encourage your students to make healthy ones.
Gina Marcel, director of Human Resources at Fletcher Technical Community College, is one of the many college administrators in Louisiana who has taken the lead in moving the health of her community forward. By connecting with Well-Ahead, colleges and universities can learn how to support employee health and geaux tobacco-free. They can also learn how to promote healthy eating and offer health and wellness services to their students, as well as get resources that will encourage careers in healthcare. All of these changes can make a positive impact in your community.
Change begins with you—take the lead in your community today!
Health Data for Higher Education
We’re pretty proud of our way of life in Louisiana and our lifestyle has a big impact on our overall health. These numbers affect every aspect of life in our communities, including academic success and economic status.
1 in 4
college-aged Louisiana residents currently smoke tobacco¹
40% of all Louisianans have obesity, which can fill Tiger Stadium1
of daily smokers began smoking before age 25²
Prioritize Health at Louisiana Colleges
If we want to connect our communities to a healthier future, we must make the health of college students in Louisiana a priority. College students are trendsetters, role models for youth and the future leaders of our state. They are establishing lifestyles and behavior patterns. Healthy lifestyles can contribute to academic success, and a university degree or college certificate is an excellent predictor of better health and economic status throughout one’s lifetime. Making the healthy choice the easy choice on your campus can move Louisiana’s health forward.
Healthy Behaviors for College Students
College and universities can, and should, promote healthy behaviors. Set your students up for success by ensuring they have access to healthy choices. Change the conversation around health on your campus and implement changes that can help your students thrive. Each small change can influence health, one step at a time. We are here to help! When you commit to becoming a WellSpot, we will walk alongside you to implement these healthy changes. Learn how you can be a leader on your campus.
Support Employee Health at Your College or University
Promoting employee health is key in creating a healthy campus environment. Healthy employees are happier, more productive and absent less. They are also powerful role models for students, which can support students’ health and academic success. Invest in the health of your employees by making these key changes on your campus.
Geaux Tobacco-Free in Louisiana Colleges
College campuses can play a role in reducing tobacco use among students. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and young adults under age 25 are particularly vulnerable to its effects. Geaux tobacco-free on your campus by putting in place these key changes. These changes can also help your staff geaux tobacco-free!
Offer Health and Wellness Services in Colleges
Support the well-being of your students (and staff!) through low- or no-cost health and wellness services. This could mean offering opportunities for physical activity, like a fitness center or sports clubs; stress management or mental health counseling; nutrition education; an on-site health center for medical services; or connections to local resources for health and wellness.
Encourage Careers in Healthcare for Louisiana Students
86% of Louisiana residents live in a health professional provider shortage area. Educate your students on the need for healthcare professionals in our rural communities. Share opportunities for available scholarships, loan repayment programs and job placement. Help our communities get access integrated, efficient and effective care services.
1 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2022.
2 Public Health Implications of Raising the Minimum Age of Legal Access to Tobacco Products, 2015. Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
We are here to help! We’ve developed a set of wellness benchmarks just for colleges and universities that want to implement healthy changes like these. From implementing a tobacco-free policy, to supporting breastfeeding mothers, to increasing access to healthy food choices, these benchmarks provide evidence based strategies to move the health of our communities forward.
We will walk alongside you as you work to meet these benchmarks. Once enough benchmarks are met, we will officially designate you as a Level 3, Level 2 or Level 1 WellSpot—our highest designation.
Being designated as a WellSpot is a big accomplishment—so your community needs to know all about it! Upon designation, you will receive a recognition certificate from the Louisiana Department of Health. You will also receive an official WellSpot decal to display on the entrance of your school. In addition, your organization will be added to our interactive WellSpot map. You will also receive a promotional toolkit to help you promote your designation on social media, to the press and more!