The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) collects data through telephone interviews from more than 400,000 adults across the United States annually, making it the largest continuously conducted health survey system in the world. Respondents are asked questions regarding their health related risk factors, chronic health conditions and use of preventive services. The results of the survey can be examined at a national, state and even local level.
Some of the data collected through BRFSS data is focused on tobacco. Information collected through the system can be used in many ways to further the goals of the tobacco cessation and prevention program. One way is to determine the prevalence of tobacco use in our state each year, which helps determine whether the strategies implemented in Louisiana effectively reduce tobacco use.
Using information from BRFSS and other reputable data sources, we are able to identify tobacco-related disparities among various groups of Louisiana residents.
Everyone deserves the opportunity to live life tobacco-free, and to achieve that, we must understand the unique challenges faced by different groups of our residents. Factors including race, sexual orientation, area of residence, occupation and socioeconomic status can affect how often a resident is exposed to tobacco advertising, the accessibility of comprehensive cessation services, or even how often a resident is exposed to secondhand smoke.
To better understand the disparities some groups of residents in our state face, you can review the fact sheets on these populations:
The CDC’s Tobacco Disparities Dashboard is an interactive tool to visualize and identify tobacco-related disparities. The dashboard shows cigarette smoking disparities among U.S. adults. The results can help inform efforts to address tobacco-related disparities in states.