Emergency Preparedness
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- Emergency Preparedness
Hurricane season is June 1-November 30. Develop emergency checklists and plans to mitigate damages and monitor weather activities in your area.
Preparing Healthcare Facilities for Emergency Situations
Louisiana is all too familiar with the tragedy that an emergency situation can bring. Natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods are common in our state, and hospitals and healthcare facilities need to prepare to address the challenges for continuing care to our residents during these difficult situations.
What can your healthcare facility do to be ready when threatened by a hurricane?
- Review and test the healthcare facility’s emergency operations plan, including their process on notifying patients and staff of closure or altered hours.
- Update contact information for staff, community partners, etc.
- Prepare your staff members in advance of an emergency to ensure they are familiar with their assigned roles and procedures during an emergency situation.
- Prepare for power loss. If your facility does not have a generator, confirm agreements (written) with pharmacies, hospitals or other clinics regarding the transfer and storage of your clinic’s refrigerated medications or vaccines. If your facility has a generator, test it to ensure it works properly and have the supplies needed to use the generator.
- Have a clearly labeled “emergency to-go” bag that contains items such as a weather radio, jump drive for important documents and lists (such as contact lists) that may be needed, flashlight and PPE, such as masks and gloves, etc.
The team at Well-Ahead Louisiana, through our Provider Education Network, provides access to trainings, guidance and technical assistance that will help your hospital or healthcare facility act quickly and cohesively to protect the wellbeing of your patients in an emergency situation.
Stay up-to-date and connected with emergency updates and contacts!
Training to Prepare for Emergency Situations
The state requires all Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) to participate in two emergency preparedness trainings each year and have a written emergency plan. Within the emergency plan, all staff members are to be knowledgeable of:
- Their assigned role
- Who to contact for the clinic including community responders and state contacts
- Methods of communication to use in the event of a disaster
- Gathering and storing important documents and essential supplies
For training opportunities, the Louisiana Department of Health, in partnership with Well-Ahead and the Louisiana Rural Health Association, has an annual emergency preparedness training series that hospitals and healthcare facilities can participate in. In addition, Well-Ahead hosts tabletop exercises and workshops that prepare participants on handling specific emergency situations; including hurricanes, fires, active shooters, civil disturbances and personal threats.
If you need assistance in completing a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis, developing an Emergency Operations Plan or conducting a Facility Specific Exercise, fill out the form at the bottom of the page to connect with our team.
Virtual Emergency Preparedness Lunch and Learn Training Series
The Louisiana Department of Health provides educational emergency preparedness trainings to medical facilities and interested parties. All healthcare partners, including RHCs, FQHCs, critical access hospitals and small rural hospitals, are encouraged to attend.
This lunch and learn zoom series included briefs from other State Agency and Emergency Support Function leads on a range of topics. Learn more about each session by viewing the flyer. All sessions will be held from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. on the days identified below. Click the title of each session to join.
The 2022 series is complete. Check back for information on the 2023 series.
- May 3, 2023: Multi-Agency Shelter Transition Teams (MASTT) and Recovery Process (Recording)
- May 11, 2023: National Weather Service (NWS) – Hurricane Season 2023 Predictions (Recording)
- May 17, 2023: Multi-Agency Presentation on Sheltering (Recording)
- May 24, 2023: HB933 Nursing Home Regulations (Recording)
- May 31, 2023: Water System Consolidation & Grading
- June 14, 2022: EMS Surge Plan
- June 21, 2022: Readiness Planning with Vulnerable Populations
- June 20, 2023: Mass Fatality/ Cemetery Reinternment
Additional Emergency Preparedness Trainings
Cybersecurity Virtual Tabletop Exercise | May 23, 2023
This interactive workshop on cybersecurity was led by experts from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This tabletop was for administration, information technology and medical staff.
Resources: Slide Deck, Situation Manual, Additional Questions, Hotwash Exercise
2023 Virtual Emergency Preparedness Lunch and Learn Training Series
The Louisiana Department of Health provides educational emergency preparedness trainings to medical facilities and interested parties. All healthcare partners, including RHCs, FQHCs, critical access hospitals and small rural hospitals, are encouraged to attend.
This lunch and learn zoom series included briefs from other State Agency and Emergency Support Function leads on a range of topics. Learn more about each session by viewing the flyer.
- May 3, 2023: Multi-Agency Shelter Transition Teams (MASTT) and Recovery Process (Recording)
- May 11, 2023: National Weather Service (NWS) – Hurricane Season 2023 Predictions (Recording)
- May 17, 2023: Multi-Agency Presentation on Sheltering (Recording)
- May 24, 2023: HB933 Nursing Home Regulations (Recording)
- May 31, 2023: Water System Consolidation & Grading
- June 14, 2022: EMS Surge Plan
- June 21, 2022: Readiness Planning with Vulnerable Populations
- June 20, 2023: Mass Fatality/ Cemetery Reinternment
2023 Tabletop Exercise
Cybersecurity Virtual Tabletop Exercise | May 23, 2023
This interactive workshop on cybersecurity was led by experts from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This tabletop was for administration, information technology and medical staff.
Resources: Slide Deck, Situation Manual, Additional Questions, Hotwash Exercise
2022 Tabletop Exercise
Hurricane Tabletop Exercise | April 6, 2022 12 p.m.-1 p.m.
Click here to access presentation resources. Participants were guided through a hurricane-based scenario. This exercise:
- Revealed planning weaknesses in the facility’s Emergency Operations Plan
- Identified current capabilities
- Improved the coordination between and among various response personnel
- Increased the general awareness and understanding of the potential hazard
2021 Tabletop Exercise
Active Shooter, Civil Disturbances and Personal Threats in a Healthcare Facility | December 8, 2021 at 1 p.m.
This interactive workshop was delivered at the 2021 Virtual Rural Health Workshop. Participants were guided through each scenario while determining how their facility would respond.
2021 Hurricane Season Lunch and Learn Archive
The Louisiana Department of Health provides educational emergency preparedness trainings to medical facilities and interested parties. All healthcare partners, including RHCs, FQHCs, critical access hospitals and small rural hospitals, are encouraged to attend.
In lieu of the annual face-to-face ESF8 Hurricane Summit, a hurricane zoom series was scheduled. This zoom series included briefs from other State Agency/ESF leads on a range of topics. Click to view each recording:
- June 15, 2021: Vulnerable Populations
- Objectives: To review the roles and responsibilities and resources available provided by organizations such as Louisiana’s Emergency Management Disability and Aging Coalition and the Network 13 Dialysis System. To provide information on the Office of Behavioral Health’s programs. To provide a review of the OAAS and OCDD Program and Support Coordinators System.
- June 8, 2021: GOHSEP & ESF8 Partner State Agency Updates
- Objectives: To provide an update from State Agencies such as DOTD’s buses, Task Force Bus; Pet Plan and Fuel Plan.
- May 25, 2021: Sheltering
- Objectives: To provide a shelter update on 2021 hurricane season to include: Unified Shelter Plan, state-operated sites, sequence of fill; feeding, wrap-around services, etc.
- May 11, 2021: Mass Fatality & Cemetery Reinternment
- Objectives: To recap Hurricane Laura response activities, Cemetery Reinternment Task Force and the Mass Fatality Plan.
- May 4, 2021: EMS Surge Ambulance Plan
- Objectives: To provide an update on EMS Surge Plan, Operations, and related contracts.
- June 15, 2021: Vulnerable Populations
FEMA Guidance
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is providing information and guidance for emergency managers and public health officials on FEMA plans to adapt hurricane response and recovery operations related to COVID-19.